Saturday, June 27, 2015

Meet The LaPlante Cats

CRAZY CAT LADY IN THE HOUSE!!!! I swear that wasn't my intention growing up but it happened...I'm nuts and love my cats. I can say however, I never intended to have 8!!! I rescued a couple, my mom rescued a couple and my sister rescued one. Only 3 were on purpose...sort of. Long story for another day. 

These 8 precious puddy cats are our family, forever. When we adopt, it's a lifetime commitment and caring for them is a team effort between all of us humans. In reality, I think we're their pets. All of them are spoiled rotten...literally. They're even picky on what flavor their treats are. We buy them all because each of them have their own special preferences. 

Since I'm blogging about my life again, you'll definitely see a lot of posts about my cats. I thought it would be perfect to introduce them all to my readers and friends. Here they are in order of oldest to youngest. 









So that's all 8 of my precious fur babies and I can promise much more cuteness in the Star Struck Luck future. Before I end this post, I'd like to show a beautiful picture of my baby that passed away 4 years ago.

In Loving Memory of Stuart


  1. I too love my cats. I have 4 rescue cats and they are with me forever. I love the variety of cats you have, their coats are healthy and adorable faces are endearing. I happen to attract Siamese cats, which now I've become deeply attached to. I look forward to reading more about their personalities. :-)

    1. Thank-you! Siamese are very beautiful. I hear they're very protective.

  2. I have an orange cat Bob who looks like Peanut, as well as a black cat with copper eyes, Shadow!
